Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Morning Weight: 137
Today's Activities: Day3 down....27 to go...

Ever get those envelopes with all those different coupons that most of us don't use?  You know the ones....for things like siding, and yard work, and DishNetwork, gyms, dentists,spas of all get the idea....things like that.....sometimes there's a coupon for the hair cutting place down the street that we use and a couple other's that I like....and I'm always looking for a bargain, so I thimb through it seeing what's in it each month (I think that's how often they come in the mail).
Well, this month there was a coupon for one of the tanning this is not abnormal mind you....but there was this offer for TWO WEEKS UNLIMITED FREE TANNING..... with NO I went down there.....there was actually one really close to our house....and checked our the hours, and they worked really well with Hubby's work schedule.  The only thing that they require is that you have the eye goggles that you wear when you go tanning in a tanning bed.  They don't require that you even buy them there.....although it is of course easier to just buy them a little under $10 got me 2 weeks unlimited tanning (I used to have a pair of those, but I doubt I have them anymore lol)
Since we've been back in Washington and all the stress that I have been dealing with my seasonal depression has hit me really hard this year.....last year wasn't great but this year has been really bad.  So my therapist suggested tanning since the light therapy lights are so expensive......and when I saw this I jumped at it!!  :-D
Not only did this help in the past.....and I do know that this is not the 'right'.....I'll tell you why I do it.

1.  Even thoough it is a tigh fit in our schedule it gives me time away from the house and the kids that is just for me....and only me.  It is not grocery shopping (although that IS nice without the kiddos) or errands that need to be done....just for ME.
2.  The warmth feels so great!
3.  Laying there with absolutely NOTHING to do and no chance of getting up for 'X' amout of time....and know that it's really not that long of time.....I think about not much and try to focus on things other than the kiddos, or Hubby, or anything that has to do with the house, or errands, or even things that I need to get done.
4.  This is time for ME....time to just RELAX.....and I don't feel guilty about it because it's only about 40mins from the time I walk out the door to the time I walk back in.  :-D

Luvs! <3

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