Lately I have been Feeling Pretty Girly....if you know me.....this isn't too much of a far stretch.....I just go on and off of doing things like this. Well, I was on youtube not too long ago....I go on there often looking around and learning all sorts of new girly things. I learned how to do my poofy pinup bangs on there and how to do my liquid eyeliner on there to make that look pinupy I said all sorts of things really lol I've also watched a few videos to try and cut my boys' hair (that didn't turn out too well lol)
But anywhoo.....I was watching these videos on nail designs! This girl here is the one that I always end up watching. She also does videos on make up ect but it's not really my style. And I don't go out and buy the exact polishes that she uses either, I just use the ones that I already have that are closes enough...(and I definately have enough polishes lol).....or if I really want one, I love the Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails that you can get at WalMart for $2.50!

I tend to do most of the more detailed designs on my clean too much with my hands and so the polish starts to chip off and I just don't want to put much work into my finger nails for them to be chipping off the next day after I clean my kitchen or bathroom lol So this one I just did big deal with aqua dots on it....I really like it though.....and I did a black french tip on my fingers with the same aqua dots. :-D
Candy Canes
The tutorial for these are here I just did it on my toes. :-)
She does her designs on her finger nails, but like I said.....I just clean too much....and I love it when I wear my peep toe heels! hehe I did these for Christmas time.....LOVED IT! lol And I did a red french tip with a silver line below it on my finger nails. :-)
I also did the Christmas Lights that she here did for Christmas Day dinner with my family....with a purple french tip and silver line below it on my finger nails.....because I was wearing a purple

Here's the Twisted Dots that she does here .....this was the first one I actually tried on my fingers. I really like the look of them.....I like the look of all the designs on her fingers....She did hers with pink and white.....They started chipping the next morning after I loaded the dishwasher and cleared and wiped down the kitchen win some you loose some. LOL
I have definately had a blast doing all these and know that I will keep it up. It makes me feel girly I'm taking time for ME....and I need to be doing that. It's not even about finding time to do it.....I do this while I'm vegging on the couch with Hubby watching too far of a stretch there huh. And it doesn't take too much creativity or thinking because I've gotten my ideas from this amazing girl already. And if you don't like the ideas she has.....or would like something a little more detailed....there are many, many more woman on youtube doing many more videos showing you how to do them too! :-D
Have a wonderful night Feeling Girly!!!
Luvs! <3
*Edit to post I had origianlly only put the link to the gal's youtube page but later went in and also put in the link to the actual videos that I used. :-D Hope ya'll enjoy!
*Edit to post I had origianlly only put the link to the gal's youtube page but later went in and also put in the link to the actual videos that I used. :-D Hope ya'll enjoy!
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