Wednesday, October 7, 2009

{Day 30!!!}

This is a look back at where I was when I started the 30day Shred.

Day1 FrontDay1 Back

Weight: 164
Larm: 12.5in
Rarm: 12.5in
Lthigh: 23in
Rthigh: 24in
waist: 36.5 in
hips: 40.5in
bust: 38in

I MADE IT! I MADE IT! I MADE IT! I really can't believe I have been able to do this! :-D This has been such a huge accomplishment for me!! :-D I don't even care right now that I still have a ways that I want to go.....I made it this far.....I feel GREAT! :-D

Weight: 146
Larm: 11
Rarm: 11.5
Lthigh: 21
Rthigh: 21.5
hips: 35
bust: 33
So for this past 10 day period I lost 6lbs and 8.5 in!! :-D Niice....very niice.... :-D
And the TOTAL loss for the 30Day Shred=
-18 Pounds
-23.5 Inches

Luvs! <3

1 comment:

  1. You look totally amazing! NO MORE BACK CLEAVAGE! That is one of the things I notice right away when I start to lose weight, I could not wait for that to go away.

    Can't wait to do my 30 day shred and try and beat you on inches and pounds! :-P

    See there was a reason I was waiting... I just hadn't thought of it until now. lol
