Friday, October 9, 2009


Morning Weight: 146
Today's Activities: 10min ab workout

I got up this morning & planned on doing three of the 10 min workouts on the blast off belly fat dvd that I have.....but of coursed the kids that were up this morning had different plans. lol I was thankfully able to get in one of the 10min workouts. lol I had a dr appt this morning, and then I had some grocery shopping that I had to get done during naptime. I hadn't quite made it a priority to put the kids' school calendar up yet....silly mommy....yeah, I I was thrown off a little bit when the kids informed me that they had a FOUR day, yes I said that correctly...a FOUR day weekend this weekend. Sound fun to anyone else?? Yupp....that's what I thought too. So needless to say I wasn't exactly prepared as far as snacks etc goes for all the kids to be home for four days lol Also, my mom and her new husband are coming up for the night tonight and I had some last min things I wanted to get done around the house before they get here.
Being a stay at home wife there are a lot of things that I do around the house. I have noticed that I tend to have high expectations of myself. So I'm thinking that I might start posting what I end up doing around the house. This is not to show off or anything like that.....cuz there are plenty days that I don't do anything except feed my family lol and somedays I even have Hubby do that for me! lol It's so that when I feel like I'm not doing anything or getting anything done I can look back and realize that even if I switch the laundry or get the kids to take the garbage out that I am doing things to help the house run smoother......and that IS my 'job'.....somedays I'm able to get more done than others. lol

Luvs! <3

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