Friday, July 6, 2012

{New Shoes!}

Today's Activities:
Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boot Metabolism
Pick Your Level Weight Loss Pilates

My ankles have always kinda bothered me and when I rotated either of them to either side they will make a small cracking sound.....over and over again....basically until I decide to stop.  I can somewhat do this with my wrists too, but not as long as I will stop on it's own.  This grosses my Hubby out.  lol
Anyway, when I was working out before I avoided the high impact stuff...well some of it cuz it hurt my ankles and some cuz I didn't think I could do it.  By joining this boot camp with Amanda the trainers there have pushed me farther than I ever thought I could go....and farther than I ever would have pushed myself.  I am so thankful to them for this.  :-)  I mean I was using 3lb weights on the 30Day Shred & thought I was going to die!  & during the workouts at the boot camp I would be using 10lbs weights for more reps.....& I completely felt like I was going to die.....more & more each day I went back!  LOL  I was great!  :-D
But the impact part on my ankles has been the worst!  Near tears....needing to takes breaks, not being able to do as many as I'd like because of the not "good pain" I was reading online & I realized that I might need different shoes.  And that really would be the easiest fix. So I was talking to my Hubby and come to find out......I was wearing running shoes.....I honestly don't know these things.....I don't even know how he knew the we went out today and he got me some cross trainers!  :-D  I am SSSOOOOO EXCITED!  to do a workout & see if these help at all for my ankles!

 Luvs! <3

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