Monday, December 28, 2009

{Sisters on Mt. Rainier}

Here's us with our Hubbies; up in the mountain! 
We took the kiddos with our Mom up to Mt. Rainer to play in the snow.  We all had a very cold BLAST playing in the snow and watching the kiddos play in the snow.  lol
It was great getting out all together for some family time.
Luvs! <3

Sunday, December 20, 2009

{Christmas Church Program}

Okay!  So I'm KINDA freeking out a 'LITTLE' bit here!!!
UMMMM I'm playing my flute in the Christmas program at church today......and to be honest.....I have put practicing on the back burner of everything (also to be honest this is very typical of me with my flute playing) now here I am the morning of the program.....and I'm getting ready to practice with the online version so that I can get one more practice in.  I don't have too much problem with the music it's's playing with the choir.....I've never played with a choir before, and I've never had to follow a choir director before.....I've always followed a bass player or a band director.....BIG DIFFERENCE! 
So now I'm off to get this done!!!  :-D

Wish me LUCK!!!  :-D
Luvs! <3

Saturday, December 19, 2009

{Nap time??}

Morning Weight: 136 (Yes, I was just as suprised as you are!!!)

Today's Activities: 
  • Brought the kids to the Primary Activity at the church- Breakfast with Santa (who was not actually there & I got in trouble for that!  lol)
  • Ran to Wal-Mart to get a lightbulb for the liscense plate because The Mr has a POV inspection
  • More Christmas crafts that I'm still trying to get done
  • Making Coconut BonBons & more EggNog Truffles
  • Practice flute part for the church Christmas program
Well, yes I would say that it is just a little bit busy around here!  lol  Sometimes this can be considered good....and sometimes not so good.  I can do 'okay' until right around dinner time, and then I kinda crack.  Sometimes I can get a little bit more done.....but not usually too much......which really sucks because the kids are usually under my feet all day and this is the time that I can usually be most productive if only I wasn't so stressed.....I would really love to be able to work out how to be able to do this!  Some how.....some day....I WILL figure it out!!  lol

So I was thinking the other more day that I was just TOO TIRED to get up early AGAIN......not only did I NOT get up.....that also means that was one more day that I didn't work out!  UGH!  I'm still not GAINING.....thankfully!!!  BUT....I can see where my muscle isn't as tone already.....and I'm really not liking that!!!  So that's a real kicker!  Well, I remembered something......and this is something that was a really big deal when I started doing the 30Day Shred......shhhh.....I started doing it during Little Mr's nap time!!!!  I mean seriously!!!  DUH!  OF COURSE I DID!!!!!  When else do I have time to do something like workout?!?!?!   Or have any type of energy to do it?  I certainly don't have the energy to wake up early......or to do it in the evening.....besides I don't like to get all 'hyped' up before I go to bed either.  And then I started getting more energy.....and I had DR appts and I had to get up earlier to workout before my appt because I wouldn't have time during naptime to do it.....and so then my habit of getting up early & workout began.......and I ended up loving it!   And OH HOW I MISS IT!!!!!
So.....sooon.....I'm going to try thinking about working out while Little Mr is taking his nap......and see how much it appeals to me......I'm hoping that I'll be able to kick my be-hind into it's gear here really soon.  I may have been pleasently suprized when I stepped onto that scale this morning, but that doesn't changed that I'd like some more muscles!!!  :-D

*With everything going on with/for Christmas it's hard to have the energy to workout or to make good food choices.......and to stay away from all the goodies that I'm making for the kiddos and to give away.  :-D

Luvs! <3


Morning Weight: 138
Today's Activities:  Stil Cleanin.....

*Beware This Will Probably End Up A LONG Entry...*

SOOOOOO.....If anyone actually READS this blog or any of my blogs they have probably noticed that I have been MIA for a while now......not only have things been quite stressful in my life, but I've been pretty much an emotional wreck.  So I won't go into too too much with all the details but I really need to get some of all of this out and I figured that this would just be the best way to get it out, and to start fresh.....if that is even possible.
I feel as though my life has been turned upside down lately and that I'm back at square one with my emotions.  And that includes the way I take care of myself.....the way I eat, working out, crafting, cleaning my house, keeping up with my blogs, keeping up with the blogs I like to read, even keeping up with the tv shows I like to watch or watching movies, even keeping in touch with friends and loved ones, even cooking and baking....and the biggest one that really bothers me is spending time with my kids.  :-S  These are really REALLY starting to bother me......and very greatful that I've finally even noticed that this has been happening......and THAT is a great START.  Unfortunately isn't only a START.....because I still don't even have the motivation to do alot of these things.  Sometimes my brains starts spinning with ideas that I would like to do while I'm laying in bed before I get up, or while I'm sitting on the couch....and then I get up to start it, but I always feel  like I have to 'clean the counter off first' or 'pick up the craft room before I can start that' for some reason....and then by the time I get those things done I don't have the energy to do it anymore. 
And the's the same thing.....I WANT to do things with them.....and I'm in the same rut.....I plan something....but I 'want the livingroom picked up first' or 'the kitchen needs to be cleaned' or 'the toy room' you get the idea....and they always stress me out about all of it and then I just don't have the energy to keep going to get to the 'fun' part of all of it!!! 

*Well, I drafted this to come back to it, but of course I never had the time....and then like usual I lost my train of thought.  lol  So I'm going to just end it and I'll to another blog another time.....

Luvs! <3