Saturday, September 26, 2009

{Day 23}

Today's Activities: 30Day Shred=20 mins

Well, today I was going to get up and workout......but once again I am having a very difficult time getting to sleep at night. I was doing okay at night since I was getting up so early in the mornings, but for some reason I'm not again. Hubby forgot to pick up my meds this morning so I don't even have that to try tonight.....shrugs.....I'm not upset with that....I'm just frustrated that I'm tired but not sleepy. So I did actually get up this morning at a little before 7.....all was quiet and still in our house......only to find one of my children had gotten up earlier and fallen back to sleep on our couch in the livingroom.....well that was just no was I going to do my workout in the livingroom while a child was sleeping on the couch? I wasn't.....because he would have woken up! So I figured I'd just crawl my tired butt back into that warm bed and fall back to sleep.....and I did just that.....till one of the kids that that it was 'morning time' and I needed to get up and turn on the PS3 for him......OF COURSE that's MY job! UGH! Then Hubby came's like I just can't get a come I can't ever sleep in or get '30 mroe mins' ??? oh well.....there's my gripe for the year I guess...... naptime.......I was pretty busy cleaning all sorts of being saturday and all.....we have one doing 'extra' chores this weekend.....and that's always fun....especially when Hubby has to work this weekend so he's not awake to help me keep an eye to make sure that these extra chores are getting done and getting done the right way. Fun times. Yeah so needless to say that I didn't workout during naptime.
I honestly really didn't want to workout today......I kept telling myself that I didn't want to......and I wasn't making any effort to do it either......and then I was getting ready for bed even.....all my & living room picked up.....doors checked for locked (even though I know they are locked because they are always locked)......remote in hand to turn off tv.......and all of a sudden I'm hitting the stinking button for the OnDemand instead of the power......WHAT AM I DOING!!!!!! So I sigh and turn around and throw on my sports bra since I had brought it down this morning and never put it on or brought it back upstairs.........yupp it just kinda happened......but that's how things work out sometimes......and even though I still didn't want to workout today, and I still feel like crap......I know that it will help me workout tomorrow and the next day.....and it'll help me get better results on that Day 30 when I finally reach it......and I am going to LOVE that! No matter how much I hate getting my butt kicked right now.......and no matter how crappy I'm feeling right now.....I know that I'll start to feel better at some point.....the DRs will find out what's wrong with me and we will figure out how to deal with it. So yah.....that's my 'I feel like crap and didn't mean to workout but did very long story'......hope you enjoyed Night ya'll!

Luvs! <3

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